Local Business Owner Kasdyn Click Publishes Second Book ‘Saddlebrook’


Local Business Owner Kasdyn Click Publishes Second Book ‘Saddlebrook’

Uconn Equestrian Dressage Team 2023.



Kasdyn Click, a local business owner and up-and-coming author, recently publishedhis debut novel Saddlebrook, a
heart-wrenching tale of love and
sacrifice that follows the lives of

two elite athletes as they navi-
gate the pressure of their careers.

On top of the successful second
publication, Click is also pleased
to announce a new partnership

with the University of Connecti-
cut Dressage Equestrian Team.

As the students head into the

2023 show season, the Saddle-
brook team will take on the role

of sponsor.

“I wrote Saddlebrook to cap-
ture the imaginations of young

athletes and help them relate to
the emotional challenges facing

Isabella and Jack, my main char-
acters,” said Click. “I’m so hap-
py we found a group of young

athletes who love their story as
much as I do, and as an active

member of the Thomaston com-
munity and former athlete my-
self, I’m thrilled to support these

impressive students throughout
the competition season.”
The author’s second book

and first foray into fiction, Sad-
dlebrook is capturing audiences

with its niche focus on equestri-
anism, dirt biking, and the perils

of pursuing high-level perfor-
mance. Isabella, an elite show-
jumper with the dream of rising

to the top of her sport, struggles
to balance her ambition with her
love for Jack, a professional dirt
bike racer who also faces the

pressure of prioritizing his ca-

As they attempt to have it
both ways, the pair must juggle
their love, their performance,
their animals, and their distance

from each other. Since its re-
lease, Saddlebrook has tapped

into the mixed emotions many
high-caliber athletes of their age
must also grapple with.

“The internal dream and reali-
ty of personal connection with Is-
abella really caught my eye when

I first heard of Saddlebrook. The
drama unraveling itself within
the book is something you want

to be a part of, both its difficul-
ties and success,” said Lilly An-
keney-Fox, an equestrian expert

at Ankeney Equine Training of
Colorado. “Saddlebrook is a
book I’d highly recommend for

any romance and/or horse enthu-

When Click set out to write
Saddlebrook, he had one goal

in mind: to bring people togeth-
Uconn Equestrian Dressage Team 2023.

er. Though the story started out
as a low-budget romance novel

to attempt fiction writing, its re-
cent success on social media un-
derscores just how relatable and

compelling the unique perspec-
tive has been for young readers.

Moving forward, Click will

continue growing his Connecti-
cut-based portable rental compa-
ny A1 Portable Toilet, volunteer-
ing for community upliftment

projects, fundraising for key ini-
tiatives like Hidden Acres Thera-
peutic Riding Center and being a

silver sponsor for the Thomaston
High School 2023 Graduating
To learn more about Kasdyn

Click and order a copy of Sad-
dlebrook, head to kasdynclick.

com Be sure to follow the Sad-
dlebrook team on Instagram at

@saddlebrooknovel, and keep
an eye out for the book’s free
Kindle release in July 2023. To

keep track of the UConn Dres-
sage Team’s 2023 season, follow

them on Facebook.



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