A New Boutique Breezes into Thomaston


Entrepreneurial Dream Takes Flight as Town Welcomes Second Wind Boutique

In an electrifying whirlwind, business visionaries Jodi Burton and Jason Veronesi have not only made dreams come true but also etched their mark on Thomaston’s landscape with the grand opening of Second Wind Boutique this past June.
The journey commenced with a mere conversation in April of 2023, and by June, their vision had been transformed into a breathtaking reality.

“I’m from Texas, but I’ve just been kind of living a nomadic lifestyle, working as a chef in various locations all over the world for most of my life,” Burton shares.

“About 10 years ago, I opened a boutique in Texas that was pretty successful. I always said that if I ever decided to put down roots, I’d open another one. When I started working at Black Rock Tavern 2 years ago, I fell in love with Thomaston and its people. This is the first place I’ve ever lived where I wanted to make a home and be a part of a real community. Then, about a year ago, I started staring in the window of the empty store- front next door anytime I had a free minute, wanting to make it a reality. My friend Jason caught me one night and asked me what I was doing, and I told him I was looking at my new store. Then, the rest is history.”

Vision Crafted with Elegance, Community in Mind:

The concept behind Second Wind Boutique is to infuse Thomaston with a touch of unique and exquisite charm, offering something for everyone in this vibrant, diverse community. The meticulous attention to detail extends even to the store’s design, where an old pergola salvaged by Jason Veronesi himself from a previous project now serves as the dressing room, and century-old bead board walls adorn the space. Burton enthusiastically shares, “It all really sets a theme for the store. When we set out to find vendors, I was blown away by all the local talent here. All of our stuff just works together.”

A Treasury of Treasures Awaits:

Since their momentous grand opening in June, Second Wind Boutique has welcomed over eight remarkable vendors, each offering a diverse array of products that include luxurious body butters, handcrafted wood creations, and exquisite handmade jewelry, among other captivating items.

A Commitment to Community:

Second Wind Boutique is not just a place of commerce but a hub of goodwill and giving. Burton expresses her gratitude for the opportunity to give back through their “round up the change” campaign, inviting shoppers to round up their purchase to the next dol- lar, with all proceeds going to a charitable cause. The inaugural campaign, running through Octo- ber 6th, supports Brian’s Angels Homeless Outreach in Bristol, an organization providing meals and resources to up to 65 homeless or underserved individuals daily. Burton’s deep personal connection to the cause underscores her commitment: “As someone who’s found myself in the position where I didn’t know where I was going, or what I was going to do, this one is close to me.”

Acknowledgments and Gratitude:

Burton takes a moment to express her heartfelt gratitude to those who have contributed to the store’s realization. “There are so many people to thank that helped make this into a reality, but just a few are: Our customers – who always see magic, our vendors – who always bring their game, Jason’s entire family, David LaManna – for giving us a chance, Jeffrey Dunn – for all of his invaluable advice, the Town of Thomaston, and of course, Black Rock Tavern. The people there have been an enormous source of strength for me to dive right into this…head first.”

A Magical Addition to Thomaston:

Second Wind Boutique is not merely a store; it’s a magical addition to Thomaston, offering an enchanting experience for all who enter its doors. To delve deeper into this captivating world, explore their website or follow them on Facebook and Instagram!

For a sneak peek of their exquisite offerings, visit Secondwindboutiquect.com, follow them on Facebook at Second Wind Boutique, or on Instagram at SecondWindBoutiqueCT.

Prepare to be enchanted by the allure of Second Wind Boutique, where elegance meets community, and dreams are transformed into reality.

Location: 70 Main St., Thomaston, CT 06787
Opening hours: Wednesday-Saturday: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday: 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.


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