The Central Connecti- cut Chambers of Commerce announced today that Katie D’Agostino, the organization’s current Vice President, will be- come its next president and chief executive officer effective July 1.
“When Cindy Bombard and I began discussions regarding her future retirement, we identi- fied Katie as a talented and high performer and the perfect candi- date to prepare for the president and chief executive officer role. Over the past two years, Katie has been working very closely with Cindy on a well-designed and executed succession plan. Having Katie in this critical role will provide continuity for the Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce and will keep us moving forward towards our vision of being the premier busi- ness organization in the Cen- tral Connecticut region,” said Paul S. Lavoie, Connecticut’s Chief Manufacturing Officer and board chair of the Central Connecticut Chambers of Com- merce. “I am looking forward to working with Katie as she brings her talented skills and passion into the lead role of the Chamber.”
Prior to joining the Central Connecticut Chambers of Com- merce in 2017, Katie spent 18 years as a project and marketing leader executing marketing pro- grams aligned with strategic ob- jectives. For the past six years, Katie has been an integral mem- ber of the Chamber team, cur-
rently serving as vice presi- dent in which she oversees the marketing and operations of the organization. She’s excited, grateful, and ready for the next chapter.
“Thank you to the Chamber’s Executive Committee and Board of Directors. I am truly honored to have been chosen to lead the Chamber into the future. We have an amazing team of profes- sionals and I have no doubt we will continue to provide the best- in-class service, programming, and advocacy our members have come to expect from us. Person- ally, the region we serve here at the Chamber means so much to me. Central Connecticut is my home. I have lived in Bristol for 20 years, grew up in Plainville, and am committed to the busi- nesses and communities in this region. Together we can continue to be one region, one voice.”
Additionally, Katie serves on the Board of Directors for Amer- ican Clock & Watch Museum, BristolWORKS!, and Capital Workforce Partners. She is also the incoming Campaign Chair for the United Way of West Cen- tral Connecticut.
Current Chamber President and CEO Cindy Bombard, added that Katie is the right person to take the reins.
“I am so happy to see that Katie D’Agostino has accepted the position of President and CEO of the Central Connecticut Cham- bers of Commerce, Katie is the perfect fit for this position, she knows the communities we serve and the needs of the business world. Working side-by-side with Katie for the past several years I have watched her grow. Her leadership and people skills are commendable.”
The Central Connecticut Chambers of Commerce, serving the businesses of Bristol, Burl- ington, Farmington, Plainville, Plymouth, Wolcott, and beyond, is recognized as one of the larg- est chambers in the state of Con- necticut .